News & Media
Media Articles

2022 March Newsletter
Embracing New Beginnings: Celebrating Spring and Our Dedicated Team During Social Work Awareness Month With so much darkness all around us, I am feeling very grateful that Spring has arrived.

2022 February Newsletter
Remembering Our ‘Why’: Fighting for System Transformation and Family Well-Being I’ve struggled to write this letter with the heaviness of so many recent child deaths and a senseless war raging.

Organizational Health: Thriving Cultures Built Upon Core Values
Organizational Health: Thriving Cultures Built Upon Core Values By Jenni Lord We will either enjoy the culture we promote or tolerate the one we condone. Either way, our

2021 December Newsletter
Amid the Holiday Rush, Remember the True Spirit of Christmas You may be running around crazy trying to tie up your last-minute Christmas gifts (like me! ☺ ) And that

Protects and SRJC Texas Leg Session Debrief
Reimagining Child Welfare: Supporting Families for Better Outcomes – Join CEO Jenni Lord at the TexProtects and SRJC Texas Leg Session Debrief The child welfare system needs an overhaul. In

Press Release: Chosen Receives Accreditation from Council on Accreditation (COA)
Chosen Receives Accreditation from the Council on Accreditation (COA) For Immediate Release New Braunfels, TX – Chosen Care, Inc. (Chosen) has earned national accreditation through the New York-based Council on

A Shift is Needed in Child Welfare
The challenges facing the Texas foster care system have captured their share of headlines in recent months. By Jenni Lord The challenges facing the Texas foster care system

Level Up Leadership Podcast
CEO Jenni C. Lord Shares Personal Insights and Success Keys for Emerging Leaders Our CEO, Jenni C. Lord was recently asked to share some keys to success for emerging leaders.

Angel Armies Has a New Name: For Others!
Did you hear? Angel Armies has a new name! In June 2020 – Chosen announced that we were selected by Chris Tomlin as an Angel Armies partner, to be a

2021 August Newsletter
Change to the child welfare system is needed. While this month’s Chosen Post includes back to school information for parents, there is also a meaningful message from CEO Jenni Lord.