Homework Help for Children with ADHD

Are you one of the many parents who has a child with ADHD? Are you feeling overwhelmed with school work? Grab your coffee and join in as Monica shares helpful ways to help our children get through schoolwork. Homework Help for Children with ADHD Hello and welcome to Coffee with Chosen. My name […]
The Three R’s : Regulate, Relate, and Reason

If you have a child, you’ve experienced this moment–the meltdown. We’ve all been there. Today on Coffee with Chosen, Nikki shares real-life examples on how we can use The Three R’s from Dr. Bruce Perry, head of the Child Trauma Academy, during these challenging moments. The Three R’s: Regulate, Relate, and Reason Hi good […]
Blocked Care

Do you ever feel caregiver burnout? A stressed parent or caregiver may find they feel blocked from having a strong connection or deeply caring for their child. Nikki helps us explore what might be causing that block and how to overcome it. Hi, good morning. My name is Nikki. Welcome to today’s Coffee with […]
Coffee With Chosen: Interview with Sam Collier

INSPIRING CONTENT ALERT: Looking for good news & inspiration? Hear the remarkable story of Sam Collier! In this interview, Sam talks about growing up adopted, meeting his birth family later in life, and how God has used every trial for a greater purpose. Are you facing challenging times? Listen to Sam’s story and […]
Interview with Lisa Qualls, Author of The Connected Parent

It is a privilege to welcome Lisa Qualls, author of The Connected Parent, to this morning’s Coffee with Chosen. Jenni Lord, Chosen CEO, spoke with Lisa about an important new book she co-authored with the late Dr. Karyn Purvis. Tune in to the video below for an authentic discussion about parenting, and a sneak peak […]
The Importance of Mindset

Today on Coffee with Chosen, Erika discusses the importance of mindset, and how it can affect our families. Join in as she challenges us to examine our inner monologues during a hard time.
Embracing Race

Navigating racism within foster and adoptive families can feel overwhelming, but we are here to make that easier for you! Today we are letting you know about one webinar, two websites, and a video with a trans-racial adoptee. These tools are meant to equip all of us to have the important conversations that will help […]
Amplifying Essential Voices: Angela Tucker

This week, we are learning from those who have first-hand experience with the complexities of race within foster care and adoption. Today we are introducing you to Angela Tucker, who is dedicated to sharing the experiences of transracial adoptees. We invite you to watch her short conversation with four teens as they discuss being parented […]
Amplifying Essential Voices: Susan Harris O’Connor

This week we are learning from those who have first-hand experience with the complexities of race within foster care and adoption. Today, we introduce you to Susan Harris O’Connor. We invite you to read her words and learn from her! Visit Blog Susan’s Book
Filling in the Stories

If you are parenting children who haven’t been in your home since birth, you don’t have access to their entire histories. This likely means that they don’t either. Today, Staci gives us a few tips on how to help fill in the missing pieces of our foster and adopted children’s stories. Filling in […]
Making Birth Family Conversations Easier

As foster parents and adoptive parents, it may be difficult to talk to our children about their birth families. If you’re nervous or not sure where to start, lean into Monica’s tips for caregivers on this subject. Making Birth Family Conversations Easier Hello, families. Welcome to Coffee with Chosen. My name is […]
Talking to Older Children about Hard Histories

Do you assume that teens in foster care aren’t thinking about their pasts if they aren’t talking about it? Well, then think again! Join Alex for some thoughts on making your home a safe place for teenagers to talk about their hard histories.