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Leaping into 2025: Embracing Change with Confidence and Trust

Leaping into 2025: Embracing Change with Confidence and Trust
By Jenni Lord, CEO

Key Takeaways

  • Trust in Support: We can lean on those around us (friends, family, community members, or Chosen) for support when facing challenges or unknowns. 
  • Perseverance Through Fear: Fear is natural, but it doesn’t have to stop us. We can move forward with excitement and anticipation, knowing it’s part of growth.
  • Generational Life’s Journey is Full of Growth: Life’s path isn’t always easy, but each leap brings us closer to our purpose, contributing to a bigger story.

Until recently, we were still swimming on the “too-warm” days in South Texas, where I live. Relaxing by our community pool, I noticed a little girl, about eight years old, climbing onto her dad’s shoulders to leap into the deep end. They had been doing this for a while, but as I paused to watch, something stirred within me. 

Three other children jostled for their turn, but she paid them no attention. Her focus was entirely on her dad. From where I stood, I saw no hesitation, no fear—just pure delight radiating from her face as she reveled in the special moment. 

She clearly trusted her dad. She could swim. And this wasn’t her first time doing this. She was unphased by the other children crowding around. 

Her dad held her steady until she was ready, and then she launched herself, fully committed. I wondered if part of her confidence came from knowing he had her within reach. His gaze never left her as she landed with a big splash before he turned to help the next child. 

In that instant, the scene challenged me deeply. 

As I reflected on what I had seen, the words of Matthew 18:3 came to mind: 

“…unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” 

 Like me, have you hesitated to climb up on the sure shoulders of a good Father who can launch you into the deep? This probably isn’t your first jump. Just like the dad in the pool, He’ll hold your hands as you climb up, and He won’t let go of your feet before you’re ready. 

I sense His invitation to stop wading in the shallow, climb up, and go. 

As parents, we are often faced with moments of hesitation, both in our children’s growth and in our own life, for me, it’s been a personal “launch.”  

For most of my career, I’ve focused on one area, using well-established skills. But recently, I’ve felt compelled to learn something new: writing for publication. It’s uncomfortable, and honestly, it’s been daunting. I’ve realized that publishing requires far more than just writing. It takes time, energy, and the willingness to face new challenges.  

My own “launch” has stalled at times—maybe you can relate. 

Are you ready for a new challenge in 2025? 

Whether it’s supporting your child through their own milestones or taking on a personal goal, we all face obstacles. Sometimes, we even create them ourselves. 

As parents, we know the importance of being there for our children as they take their own leaps. But what about when it’s our turn? Just like that dad at the pool, we have people in our lives—whether it’s a supportive partner, friend, or community—who are there to help hold us steady when we’re unsure. They’re the ones who cheer us on, even when it feels scary. 

Whether we’re taking on a new challenge or encouraging our children to take theirs, the journey forward can be filled with growth, even if it’s uncomfortable. 

Like the little girl, we can climb to new heights, knowing we’re not alone. Fear can be replaced with joyful anticipation of what lies ahead. As we venture into the deep, we can trust that we’re seen, supported, and guided by those around us—and by the One who calls us to trust like children.  

Every leap we take brings us closer to who we’re meant to be, and we can trust that each moment is a part of a greater story. 

My own “launch” has stalled at times—maybe you can relate. 

Are you ready for a new challenge in 2025? 

Whether it’s supporting your child through their own milestones or taking on a personal goal, we all face obstacles. Sometimes, we even create them ourselves. 

As parents, we know the importance of being there for our children as they take their own leaps. But what about when it’s our turn? Just like that dad at the pool, we have people in our lives—whether it’s a supportive partner, friend, or community—who are there to help hold us steady when we’re unsure. They’re the ones who cheer us on, even when it feels scary. 

Whether we’re taking on a new challenge or encouraging our children to take theirs, the journey forward can be filled with growth, even if it’s uncomfortable. 

Like the little girl, we can climb to new heights, knowing we’re not alone. Fear can be replaced with joyful anticipation of what lies ahead. As we venture into the deep, we can trust that we’re seen, supported, and guided by those around us—and by the One who calls us to trust like children.  

Every leap we take brings us closer to who we’re meant to be, and we can trust that each moment is a part of a greater story. 

Engage with Jenni Lord, CEO and Founder of Chosen: 

To connect with Jenni, follow her on Instagram or LinkedIn. 

Original version of this post was published on Proverbs 31 Ministries. 


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