Post High School College Support Contract

Your child (young adult!) is transitioning to the first chapter of their grown-up life. They still need your support to feel safe and navigate the world around them as they explore their newfound freedom. Change can be scary to kids who have already experienced loss. Use this contract as a guide to help your young […]
Let’s Get Moving

Physical activity helps us with regulation and sensory input. Below are some descriptions of different types of movement for you and your child to connect through exercise. Aerobic: any physical activity that makes you sweat, causes you to breathe harder, and gets your heart beating faster. Proprioception: any input that helps the body […]
Scavenger Hunt Connection Checklist

Use our free printable scavenger hunt checklist and let the fun begin! This is perfect for inside or the backyard, for younger and older kids alike. After the hunt is over, enjoy a snack together, open your bags to see what everyone collected, and talk about the experience: 1. What did you like about […]
Table Topics For Connection

Transforming Chaos to Connection: Creative Conversations at the Family Dinner Table Family dinner—the concept is a good one backed by decades of research. Eating together can improve parent-child relationships, give children a sense of stability and connectedness, and result in fewer behavioral problems.[1] But reality isn’t always so simple. “Sit down! Try just one bite! […]
Talking With Teens

Unlocking Teen Communication: Strategies for Building Connection and Understanding If having a conversation with your teen makes you feel confused, frustrated, or like you need a translator, you’re not alone! Caregivers who are parenting teens often tell us their kids shut down and won’t say anything, don’t listen, or dismiss them with grunts, eyerolls, heavy […]
Quips – Quick Parenting Phrases

Help your child identify feelings, build skills, and reduce stress by using quick, easy phrases that promote empathy, connection, and awareness. Print these cards and keep them in your pocket or purse (or hang them on your fridge) to serve as a helpful guide and reminder. Here’s what you’ll need: 1. Printed […]
Honoring Mom

At Chosen, we believe that a strong connection between caregiver and child is foundational to building healthy attachment, trusting relationships, and ultimately, healing. This Mother’s Day, give the mom in your life the gift of connection through conversation. Or better yet, give yourself the gift of a conversation! The downloadable tool below will guide you […]
Parent-Teen Journal Prompts

Having trouble connecting with your teen? Open up a two-way line of communication through shared journaling with prompts. We know what you’re thinking, “There’s no way this will work!” Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a good writer; neither does your teen. You just need to be open, honest, and willing to be vulnerable. […]
One activity to teach self-regulation

This simple exercise is one of the primary ways you can help your children and your family understand and adjust their emotions and behavior. This exercise and unique tool can help you have conversations with your children about how they are feeling and explore ways to help them adjust their emotions and actions. We encourage […]
Check in with Your Kids and Yourself | Communication Tools for Parents

Remember to touch base with your child often. When did they last have a snack or drink? Are they tired or rested? Checking In can help kids’ attitudes, your outlook, and everyone’s peace of mind. Share your kids’ coloring pages with us! Post them online and tag us on Facebook or Instagram. Stick them on the […]
Parent Quiz: Parenting Expectations within Marriage

Strengthen your marriage, your parenting skills, and your family with Chosen’s Parenting Quiz. We don’t feel truly loved until we feel understood. Take time to learn more about your spouse’s views and expectations. The goal is not to agree on everything, but to gain insight into one another and be unified as parents. […]
I’m Sorry Tickets

It’s not if you mess up as a parent, it’s when. What matters most is making the relationship right again. How we respond to our children makes all the difference. Whether we raise our voices, ignore our children, or dismiss their feelings, we must own our mistakes, apologize, and seek forgiveness from our children. To […]