Stories of Healing

January 14, 2021

3 Siblings Find Their Forever Home

One San Antonio family is celebrating big successes on their adoption journey.

Kathy and Brian S. have big hearts, and now they have a big family to match. With their children grown and out of the house, they made the decision six years ago to open their home to a newborn baby boy.

Then, in 2020—amidst COVID-19, school shut-downs, and economic uncertainty—they opened their home and hearts once again, this time to three siblings. They accepted a foster placement of twin 6-year old girls and their 10-year old brother, with the intent to adopt all three children.

Although they were familiar with the adoption process, this time was different. The children they brought into their home had suffered trauma in a myriad of forms, leaving Kathy and Brian feeling overwhelmed and unprepared to address the behavioral and social issues they were seeing. Before the situation escalated, they sought help and found Chosen, a Texas-based nonprofit that offers support and resources to families touched by the child welfare system.

For six months, the family has worked with Chosen to heal their children’s trauma and strengthen their family unit. When they began this journey, Kathy set a goal: “To be able to take all four kids out and have fun as a family,” as she put it.

Today, the family is happy to report that Kathy’s goal is being realized. They recently had a fun family outing to Sea World—something they weren’t sure was possible six months ago.

And in late October 2020, just in time for National Adoption Month, the adoption of the three siblings was finalized in a ceremony held over Zoom. The children will now be spending the holidays with their forever family.

“I feel lucky to work with the family,” said Shaleigh Schneider, Chosen care manager. “They have put in so much hard work into supporting these children, and they are now able to see amazing healing taking place.”

You can read more about this family’s story in a recent Spectrum News story.



Chosen Walks Alongside the Caregivers

Every year, Chosen helps hundreds of adoptive families build bonds of trust. And we’re looking for partners to help heal their heartbreak. Your gift gives families the assurance they need to provide attachment and permanency for kids who desperately need it.

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* Names have been changed