March 21, 2022

2022 March Newsletter

Embracing New Beginnings: Celebrating Spring and Our Dedicated Team During Social Work Awareness Month

With so much darkness all around us, I am feeling very grateful that Spring has arrived. The new leaves and color remind me that new life comes after the dead of winter.

Between war, hurting children in the news, and so much suffering everywhere, it is refreshing to see new budding flowers and blooming trees and feel the warmth of light. Maybe you have a place in your life where you need new birth, too? I suspect we all occasionally need that reminder!

I have been reminding our team and myself that we need to celebrate the big & small things, in spite of the many challenges we see everyday. And I certainly didn’t want to let the month slip away without sharing the celebration of our staff during Social Work Awareness Month!

Jenni Lord, Chosen Care Founder

Download the newsletter below:

2022 March Newsletter



About Chosen:

Chosen works to help children heal from trauma by strengthening their families. Our practitioners and licensed care managers work with families impacted by the child welfare system – including adoptive, foster, kinship (relative) families, and biological parents reunified with their children. Follow us on Facebook, and Instagram, or visit to learn more.



Media Contact:

Wade Martin
VP of Strategic Partnerships & Content