Erika Pfluke

Board Advisor

Erika Pfluke serves as our Intake Specialist and Care Manager at Chosen. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Texas at San Antonio. She is a certified Trauma Competent Caregiver Trainer and brings with her knowledge and training in motivational interviewing. Erika has experience with international adoption, special needs adoption, and older child/teen adoption. She has a particular passion for helping moms who are struggling with attachment.

Erika has been involved in the adoption community since 2009 when she and her husband began the process to adopt their daughter from China. Their eyes were opened to the plight of orphans, moving them to travel to China two more times to bring home another daughter and a son. Walking alongside adoptive families is her great joy, and she is passionate about equipping and encouraging others for this journey.

Erika and her husband, Jason, have been married for over twenty years and have six children under their (often noisy) roof! Should free time happen to find her, she finds a paintbrush and enjoys recreating the beauty of God’s color and creation around her.