Marcus and Mariana’s Story
Nina Rodrigues* loved her grandchildren. When the state called and told her that her four-year-old grandson, Marcus, and two-year-old granddaughter, Mariana, had been horrifically physically abused and were now bouncing from foster home to foster home, her heart shattered. Marcus was diagnosed with level three autism, also known as severe autism. He needed stability. Though […]
Wesley and Rachel’s Story
When Wesley and Rachel opened their home to foster a child, their hearts were full of love. However, they did not fully realize the needs of their foster son, Garrett*. Chosen Walks Alongside the Caregivers Every year, Chosen helps hundreds of adoptive families build bonds of trust. And we’re looking for partners […]
The Van Dusen Family Story
Chosen Walks Alongside the Caregivers Every year, Chosen helps hundreds of adoptive families build bonds of trust. And we’re looking for partners to help heal their heartbreak. Your gift gives families the assurance they need to provide attachment and permanency for kids who desperately need it. Looking for help? Get started here. Looking […]
The Lewis Family Story
Meet The Lewis Family Trauma-informed care is necessary for children who are hurting from the trauma they experienced due to abuse & neglect. Every day, there are families who give up because they do not have that support. Chosen is here to serve those families and give them the tools to thrive together.By […]
Isaac and Mr. Miller’s Story
Teachers need education too! Isaac* arrived in his new family’s home two years ago, as a four-year-old. His family contacted Chosen for help–they were going through a difficult time and they wanted to address his challenging behaviors. Training for Isaac’s Family His mom, dad, and three older siblings wanted him in their family, […]
Heidi and Matt’s Story
Heidi and Matt* felt called to care for vulnerable children after watching families in their church begin the adoption process. With several thriving biological children, they felt they had enough experience and love to parent one more. With open hearts, they accepted the referral of a toddler who had experienced trauma, neglect, and abuse. When […]
The Hillman Story
After Nina and Tim Hillman* got married, they discovered that the only way to grow their family would be through adoption. Knowing just how many children in the foster care system need a home, they decided to pursue adoption through the state. After getting licensed, they welcomed a sibling set of three children into their […]
The Scotch Story
Meet The The Scotch Family Chosen Walks Alongside the Caregivers Every year, Chosen helps hundreds of adoptive families build bonds of trust. And we’re looking for partners to help heal their heartbreak. Your gift gives families the assurance they need to provide attachment and permanency for kids who desperately need it. Looking […]
The Marlar Story
We planned to build our family our way, in our timing. God took that plan and made it better than we could have dreamed. We’ve learned so much through infertility and adoption — who we are, and more importantly, who God is. We know that His promises are true. It’s humbling and scary to start the adoption process. […]
The Lindleys Story
Meet the Lindleys, a family who was able to adopt with the help of Chosen’s Adoption Assistance Program. Chosen Walks Alongside the Caregivers Every year, Chosen helps hundreds of adoptive families build bonds of trust. And we’re looking for partners to help heal their heartbreak. Your gift gives families the assurance they […]