Stories of Healing

September 24, 2024

The Davis Family

For Mark and Sarah Davis, raising their 12-year-old granddaughter, Emily, had become a daily challenge.

Like many kinship caregivers, they were already struggling with the reality that their life looked very different from what they had expected. Over the past year, Emily’s behavior had worsened, putting a strain on their home and marriage. Emily would often yell, hit, scream, curse, and even block Sarah in her room when upset. These episodes led to Emily being hospitalized twice for mental health crises. The stress of caring for Emily became so overwhelming that Mark and Sarah’s marriage was on the brink of falling apart. Sarah even decided that if forced to choose, she would put Emily’s needs above her marriage.

Desperate for help, the Davises reached out to Chosen in May 2024. Mark was unsure at first and took a “hands-off” approach, not knowing if anything would help. But after their first coaching session with Chosen, he decided to commit and started attending regularly. Slowly, the connection between Mark and Sarah began to grow again, driven by a renewed sense of hope and purpose. Mark got involved in the sessions, offering ideas and giving Emily the positive encouragement she had been craving. This small change made a big difference, boosting Emily’s self-esteem and helping her and Mark begin to bond.

With Chosen’s support, Mark and Sarah began to better understand how Emily’s early trauma affected her behavior. They realized that her frustration and anger were not just “bad behavior” but a call for connection and understanding. With this new insight, the Davises started using practical tools to handle Emily’s emotions. They set up a “Calming Corner” in their home—a space where any of them could go to cool down when emotions ran high.

“It has been an honor to watch this family eagerly implement new practices and ways of engaging with each other. Their level of commitment to each other has been an inspiration to witness.” Chosen Care Manager, Nikki

The changes in the Davis household have been remarkable. Sunday family dinners, once filled with tension, are now something Emily looks forward to. Sarah, always determined, has embraced every new idea from Chosen and put them into practice. To help Emily feel more secure, they now use a whiteboard to keep track of her daily schedule, which has given her a sense of structure and stability.

Today, the Davis family is stronger and more united than ever. By being open to new approaches, they have brought healing to Emily and renewed hope for their future together.



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* Names have been changed