Back to School Advocacy

“My Child is Scared to Go Back to Class!” Speak Up to Help Students Succeed Is your child afraid to go back to class? A new school year can be an anxious time for any child. For children with hard histories, this transition can be even more complicated. As a parent, you can advocate for […]

Trauma Informed to Trauma Responsive Care

Loss hurts. Neglect and abuse cut deep. Early childhood trauma leaves lasting scars. Whether the baby in the womb adopted at birth, the 3-year-old being raised by grandparents, or the teenager in foster care, all children who have been separated from birth parents have experienced some level of trauma. As a result, these kids often face […]

Back To School Tips & Tricks

Back to School Parents may both cheer and dread these three words. Some feel hopeful about new beginnings, friendships, and learning. Others are anxious about learning struggles and loneliness.  As parents of children who have experienced Complex Developmental Trauma, we have yet another layer to consider. Often, our children struggle with transitions. When our kids […]

A Few Small Steps & One Big Dream

Friends, I didn’t want to let today pass without memorializing such a special day. Twelve years ago, the idea for Chosen was conceived. On the start line of another inaugural race — the San Antonio Marathon — in 30 degree weather with 30,000 people around me, the buzzing air suddenly went silent as I had […]

ADHD and Children with Hard Histories

I love to spend time with my kids! But sometimes, I also dread helping them with homework. Though necessary, homework isn’t on my top ten list of “most fun family activities,” and I’m guessing I’m not the only parent who feels that way!  When you are parenting children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), doing schoolwork can quickly shift from an annoying ritual to painfully frustrating. Why is schoolwork so difficult for children with ADHD? Consider […]

Saving Reasons Until the End

Devon* is an 11-year-old living with his grandmother. His mom left the family years ago and his dad recently went to prison. Devon misses his dad and doesn’t understand why his grandma acts more like his school principal than the fun lady who used to spoil him. He becomes emotional easily and sometimes has a […]

Understanding Our Senses

In my early days as a foster parent, I would often tell people about puzzling behaviors in my children that seemed to not make any sense–from laying upside down while watching television, or rocking back and forth. I would often hear people say, “could it be a sensory issue?”  I was too embarrassed to admit […]

In the Face of Adversity

Recently, I was asked by Unicity* to speak to city leaders on leading beyond the storm. My reflex response was that we must first lead ourselves before we can lead others. At this time, the stakes have never been higher for leadership and those we lead, the missions we advance. Remember when David was facing […]

The Power of Choices

When you are caring for a child from foster care, unexpected challenges can arise. Step into a day in the life of a foster family with Chosen Care Manager Bethany Hall to learn about their challenges and how to support them. This is not the story of one foster parent, but rather a combination of […]

Adoption Granted! Now What?

Adoption is beautiful but it doesn’t end in the courtroom. Years of waiting, heartache, loss and wondering precedes adoption day. There are countless hours of planning, preparation and paperwork, but when the day finally arrives, it’s over in the blink of an eye. We applaud adoptive parents, but we don’t realize that when the papers are […]

Bridging the Gap: How to Improve Birth Family Visits

Birth family visits are one of the most challenging aspects of foster care. They are confusing for foster parents, not to mention how emotional they are for birth parents. Sometimes, foster children look forward to these temporary reunions with their family but are wrecked at the brevity. Other times, children dread these visits, as they […]