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- Downloadable Tool + Parenting -

Check in with Your Kids and Yourself | Communication Tools for Parents

Parenting Help, Check in with your child, regulate, Self-regulation. Helping your child regulate

Remember to touch base with your child often. When did they last have a snack or drink? Are they tired or rested? Checking In can help kids’ attitudes, your outlook, and everyone’s peace of mind. Share your kids’ coloring pages with us! Post them online and tag us on Facebook or Instagram. Stick them on the fridge as a visible reminder.

Learn more about how to Check-In for a Change



Here’s what you’ll need:


1. Printed handout

2. Colored pencils or markers

3. 15 minutes

4.  Open heart and listening ears


Download Resource



If you want more parenting tips geared towards families impacted by trauma, please visit our resource library. If you need personalized trauma-responsive care for your family, we would love to help! Contact us to learn more about the ways Chosen Care can support your family.

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Our talented intake specialist Meredith is likely to be the first person to welcome you. Reach out today and start healing today. 

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