The Hanovers Story

Family connection on the porch outside of a house

The Hanovers: Finding Help and Healing Nina Hanover’s bags were packed to leave. The only reason she hadn’t walked out the door yet was her oldest child was missing—a runaway—again. This scenario was a far cry from what she had pictured eight years earlier when they welcomed three young foster children into their home. Nina […]

John and Anne’s Story

John and Anne’s Story: Building Family Bonds in Foster Care. It was hardly by the book. John and Anne Manor* were a twenty-something, vibrant couple with a heart for kids. Though they didn’t have biological children of their own quite yet, they did have a heart for kids and signed up to be foster parents. […]

Claire and Lorrettas Story

Mike and Ashley wanted to help hurting children. They researched, talked with friends, and realized God was leading them to become foster parents. After training and licensing, Mike and Ashley were overjoyed to receive the call that two girls needed a family to care for them.     Unexpected Behaviors The girls arrived and to […]

Emma’s Story

Emma's Story, Chosen Story, Stories of Healing,

Emma’s Story: From confusion and chaos to a healthy home Emma’s meltdowns and tantrums confused her foster and adoptive parents — until Chosen showed them how to help her heal from trauma. Unexpected mood swings. Utter confusion. A strained marriage… It’s not what Jacky and Kyle Hernandez expected when they decided to foster a baby […]

Micah’s Story

Micah’s Story: Moving away from a constant state of crisis Micah’s adoptive parents didn’t know how to handle his fits of rage — until Chosen connected them with proven strategies. If the Jacobs had only known about Chosen sooner, they may have prevented a lot of heartache. Not that the family has regrets. Ellen and […]

Brody’s Story

Brody's Story, Chosen Care, Stories of Healing

Brody’s Story: Finding Support after Kinship Adoption Brody’s parents didn’t know how to handle his meltdowns, defiance and constant attention-seeking behaviors — until Chosen showed them proven strategies to deal with past hurts. Chosen was life changing for the Hancock family. Jessica and Michael Hancock* weren’t looking to adopt. They were almost empty nesters, but […]

Williams Story

As a middle school teacher, Dan has long had a front-row seat to the struggles of vulnerable children. But few stories compared to that of William, a 13-year student who was in a foster placement. With his biological mom in prison and a string of broken placements behind him, William was seeking guidance from a secure, caring adult, […]

Brittany’s Story

Tonya and Rick* were happily married with three children; they thought their family was complete. But one day they learned that their nephew, John, was in need of a safe home. Without fanfare, they stepped in and agreed to bring him into their home for as long as necessary. John’s placement with his relatives—called a […]

Jason’s Story

Early on in their marriage, Jenna and Sam knew they wanted to adopt a child. For over six years they discussed the idea, until one day in September 2018 the Lord made it apparent that it was time to pursue their dream of adding one more child to their family of five.   After contacting […]

3 Siblings Find Their Forever Home

One San Antonio family is celebrating big successes on their adoption journey. Kathy and Brian S. have big hearts, and now they have a big family to match. With their children grown and out of the house, they made the decision six years ago to open their home to a newborn baby boy. Then, in […]

Lindsay’s Story

At the age of 4, authorities removed from her birth mother due to severe neglect and domestic violence, relocating her to a foster home. Lindsay’s aggressive behavior raised concerns among her foster parents, who worried she could potentially harm their newborn on the way. After nine months of Lindsay being a part of their family, […]

Dana’s Story

Dana is a 32-year old energetic and compassionate single woman who felt compelled to become a foster parent. She thought love would be enough to help hurting kids heal. She had some extra love to give and jumped into fostering with excitement and high expectations. In January 2020, two boys named James and Jordan, ages […]