Back to School Advocacy

When parenting a child who has experienced trauma, school advocacy can feel like a full-time job. From tears at parent-teacher conferences to trips to the principal’s office, the struggle is real. Chosen has professionals and resources to help with the school advocacy journey.   Back to School Advocacy   Hey! My name is Rachel Sandifer […]

Re-Dos with Teens

When a teenager messes up, it’s easy for things to spiral out of control. Today Payton Barksdale gives us guidance about how to offer teens a chance to “re-do” bad attitudes and start over again.   Re-dos With Teens   Hello, my name is Payton Barksdale, and I am one of the care managers here […]

The Hot Dog Effect

As parents, we can easily find ourselves approaching all of the children in our home using the same parenting techniques, regardless of their unique personalities and histories. Staci terms this idea as the “Hot Dog Effect,” which can cause significant challenges in families. Today on Coffee with Chosen, we encourage you to regularly check your assumptions […]

Resolve to Connect

resolve to connect, connecting with kids, connecting with teens, attachment

Happy almost New Year, Chosen Family! Today on Coffee with Chosen, Staci asks us to resolve to connect this coming year.     Resolve to Connect   Good Morning and Welcome to Coffee with Chosen. My name is Staci. Happy almost New Year! On this, the last day of the year, you are VERY likely […]

Structure During the Holidays

Structure During the Holidays

Our children from hard places need structure just as much as we do. Today, Raegan shares practical tips to create structure in your home this holiday season.     Structure During the Holidays   Hi, my name is Raegan welcome back to Coffee with Chosen. We all love structure, structure provides us with a sense […]

What to Expect During the Holidays

what to expect during the holidays with foster, adoptive and kinship children

For children who have experienced trauma, the holidays can be a very hard time. Today on Coffee with Chosen, Erika gives us a few thoughts on what to expect this Holiday Season.   What to Expect During the Holidays   Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everybody. Welcome back to Coffee with Chosen I’m Erika. If […]

Building a Staircase

Dr. Dan Siegel helps us understand the brain in a simple way by talking about the upstairs and downstairs brain. He says that children from hard places are used to living in the downstairs brain because of their difficult past. As caregivers, it is our job to help our children build a staircase to the upstairs brain. Join us today as […]

Adjusting your Expectations about Foster Care and Adoption

Myth: Foster care and adoption will be as hard as I excepted. Today, Erika explains that the foster and adopt journey is actually full of challenges we may not ever anticipate, and she shares helpful tips on how we can set the right expectations for the road ahead.       Adjusting Your Expectations About Foster […]

How to Say “No” Without Saying “No”

Are you tired of bad attitudes and disrespect after your kids hear the word “no” from you? Tune in today as Nikki gives us some reasons why hearing “no” is so difficult for children who have experienced trauma and what we can do about it.     How to Say “No” Without Saying “No”   […]

Getting Ready for the Holidays

The Holiday season is approaching – Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years. These times can be especially challenging for children and teens with hard histories. Join us today as Staci shares 3 tips to help us navigate the holidays.       Getting Ready for the Holidays   It’s getting to be the most wonderful time […]

Scary Movie Feelings

Children with hard histories are in new environments that can be startling, scary, and unsettling. Because of this, it is essential for parents to understand the difference between safety and felt safety. Grab your coffee and join in today as Staci shares how we can help our children feel safe   Scary Movie Feelings Good […]

Strengthening Connection with Eye Contact

Are you struggling to connect with new kiddos in your home? Join us today as Staci shares how eye contact can be one of the most effective ways of promoting connection. For more information on attachment through eye contact read our blog: “Eye” See You: How To Attach To Your Child By Establishing Eye Contact.